Monday 20 June 2011

7. Short Films

1. Production

Our Production House "Words" :) 
Associates Harini, Kusum & Amruta

2. Bird Fries
This is the slow motion movie.. made from around 280 paintings by me.. :)
Won 2nd award in Polaris Fest (Wilson College) 

3. Tera Asma (music video)

This Music Video is my personal Favorite creation 

4. Time Time ki Baat (3D animated Short Film)

This was a 3D animated movie made with the help of Arena School Students. Won 1st in Raheja College

5. Leave Me

My 1st serious kinda short film... Watch it... u will love it.. :)

6.Heart is Beating

Romantic... is it.. watch it and decide.. 
"Heart is beating" :P 

7. Out of coverage

Inspired by my morning routine 

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